Sunday 14 February 2010

Sunday night......

Ok, this may sound a little bit out of sync....and it is, but, you know, we've found it far more difficult to get logged on than we thought, so, bear with us.
Tonight is Sunday night, 14th Feb, which is Valentine's day in the UK, but not in Brazil, so that's my excuse.
So, we've just got back from an evening at a big church close to the project (that's what we call our little street of houses. We had invited a number of families to come with us and, as the church is a good 30-40 minute walk from the street, we offered to give 'em a lift. At that point we had expected to have the use of a 9 seater minibus and our 5 seater car to ferry the lucky ones there and back. This is mission, of course, so things do tend to go wrong and the minibus wasn't now available. Strewth!! That meant cramming who knows how many into our little car, possibly, so that caused a little anxiety.
God had a plan, of course, and sent a torrential downpour an hour before we due to pick the people up and, methinks, that put some of them off. Lightweights!! Anyway, this would be a new church experience for some of them, so, we prayed that there would still be some takers. And there was. Five in total. One adult and 4 kids.
But, you know, we think that they were the ones that were meant to be there.
Maria is sad and depressed at times, She is the mum of Evelyn and Emylyn. She has had quite a bit of prayer from us and it was so good that she came as the massage was about gaining strength in your faith.
Evelyn came too and she and the other kids ran off to kids groups as though they were regulars. Brilliant stuff, especially if we remember that these were slum kids not that long ago and now they are hob-nobbing with rich church kids. Awesome. (Does that sound a little too American?)
Oh, little Gabby didn't go to groups. You'd have seen her in the pictures. She is the cutest, most gorgeous little girl, aged 4.She told her older sister that she didn't want to go to groups and she stayed with us in the main hall. I think she just wanted to be with us.
I spent a little time showing her some origami. Made a cross out of a bit of scrap paper. Wish you could've seen her face when I opened it up. Just wonderful.
After a while, she got bored with me cos I couldn't reply in Portuguese to her little chatting, and she went and chatted to Jane who is just as useless as me, but, obviously more cuddly.
The other kids came back at the end full of it, so we must all pray that they will keep going to this church when we back home in UK. It will be so good for them as this church has many activities for kids that will teach them good morals and responsibilities etc and keep them off the streets that, to be honest, are pretty risky as they get older.
Going to try and keep these blogs a bit shorter now, as we running out of time. Back home in Uk in one week. Blimey, gone quick.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping us in the picture, J & J. It's so encouraging to hear about all your antics and we will certainly be praying for your little ones (and not-so-little ones!). It was so right for you to go to Brazil again and I hope that you through your time there you will have heard the Lord speak to you clearly about what He has planned next for the two of you. Maybe a longer stint in Brazil - who knows? Missing you both heaps and looking forward to catching up with you when you're back in the UK. Sending much love and many prayers xxx
